AirAccess Advanced Cellular Access Systems + Accounts Fast

Flexible, Wireless Access Control System Topography.Easy Scalable Solution. Cellular Based for Speed
Quickly configure and deploy the scalable wireless system you need with easy cell communicator, and and gateway to wireless lock(s) or panel w/ wiegand readers at the center. Ultra Easy plug and play system auto learns devices. Little Training- No Tech Specialist required. Transparent Flat-Rate Monthly Service for fast winning bids.
Simply Use the #1 Top-Selling Wireless Locks & Cellular Communications for More Valuable Services
Air Access uses popular, proven Alarm Lock Trilogy Networx or Architech Designer Wireless Locks & Gateways, or the NetPanel w/ Standard Prox ID Readers. Communications are super simple, via StarLink Cellular Communicators- the class leaders in security communications. Use Air Access with existing IDs &/or the Built-in Credential in the Air Access App.

AirAccess Cellular makes direct connections for you - Instead of relying on customer’s busy IT Dept
Easy hosted solution for lowest TCO: Just add wireless doors, communicate over cyber protected multimillion dollar cell neworks, give customers 24/7 peace of mind and cloud-based control wherever they are